At 19.2, the Remote Point object has new scoping options: Remote Points and Remote Points and Nodes. Using these options, you can scope a remote point to one or more other remote points, as well as nodes...
...thereby chaining the Remote Points together. As illustrated in this example, Remote Point 3 is scoped to Remote Points 1 and 2 and its location is defined accordingly.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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Topology Optimization Analysis has a number of new capabilities.
Topology Optimization — Linux Support
Topology Optimization is now supported on the Linux platform. All topology features and options are supported, except Geometry modifications for Design Validation (this requires SpaceClaim, which is not supported on the Linux platform).
Topology Optimization — Lattice Optimization
You can now create lightweight parts using optimized lattice structures. The supported lattice types are shown here:
The Optimization Region object, as shown here, provides this new Lattice Optimization option.
Once the Lattice Optimization type is specified, you select the Lattice Type from the seven supported types.
Similar to Topology Optimization analyses, Mechanical automatically inserts density result objects. Supported lattice results include Lattice Density and Lattice Elemental Density:
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Topology Optimization — Additive Manufacturing
The Topology Optimization analysis has a new additive manufacturing-based constraint option: AM Overhang Constraint. This constraint enables you to eliminate the use of supports for additive printing for a specified Overhang Angle and Build Direction:
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Topology Optimization — Loading Conditions
As you can see here, Topology Optimization now supports Inertial and Thermal loads for a Static Structural analysis in combination with a Modal analysis.
Topology Optimization — Analysis Settings
The Topology Optimization Analysis has two new Analysis Settings properties:
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There are three additions of note for Substructuring.
Substructuring — Modal Analysis Support
The Substructuring feature now supports Modal analysis. When using the feature with a Modal analysis, the application can automatically detect all boundary conditions (as illustrated below) that exists in the analysis as Condensed Part Interfaces. This includes Joints, Springs, Bearings, Contacts, Remote Points. In addition, you can manually add node-based named selections to these interfaces. Furthermore, you can define the Solver Type as Direct, Supernode, or Subspace. Lumped Mass formulation is also supported and Mass Treatment is now supported for both Point Mass and Distributed Mass.
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Substructuring — Condensed Part Properties
The Condensed Part object includes three new properties, as illustrated in the Details view example below.
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Substructuring — Expansion Pass Worksheet
The new Expansion Pass Worksheet displays once you solve your substructuring analysis and select the Expansion Settings object. With this new Worksheet, you specify the condensed parts for which you want to compute results (Displacement or All Results, including stress and strain). To actually display these results, you must also make the data available in the results file by setting the corresponding Output Controls properties in the Details view to Yes. The properties you can control individually include Stress, Strain, Nodal Forces, and General Miscellaneous. By default, the Stress and Strain properties are set to Yes. If none of these Output Controls properties is active (set to Yes), condensed part results will not display in the Geometry window.
The following example shows Displacement selected for Condensed Part 2 in the worksheet, but not for Condensed Part 3. Looking at the Total Deformation result, we can see the displacement of Condensed Part 2, but not Condensed Part 3.
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The new Composite Sampling Point object enables you to plot composite part result data. The feature displays the through-the-thickness result distribution in the laminate for selected points.
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External Model — Geometry Synthesis Options
The External Model system has a new Project page property (Create Geometry) that enables you to choose whether or not to create geometry from your mesh file. The following examples show a generated geometry as well as an element-based mesh.
Imported Solid Geometry
Imported Element-Based Mesh
Only importing the mesh can dramatically decrease import time and significantly reduce the amount of memory used during the process.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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External Model — Importing Composite Data
You can now import composite ply data from Mechanical APDL (.cdb) and NASTRAN Bulk Data (.bdf, .dat, .nas) files.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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External Model — Automatic Material Assignment
Now, whenever multiple bodies in your upstream mesh file are assigned the same materials, the application automatically creates a Material Assignment object for the associated bodies. This makes sure that each body has the same unique material identifier.
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External Model — Importing Load Data
The External Model system now supports the import of:
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External Model — Promotion
You can now promote Connections to Remote Points. For imported Flexible Remote Connectors and/or Rigid Remote Connectors, you can automatically create a Remote Point object from Worksheet that you can then use to scope other objects.
External Model — ACT Extension
You can now access NASTRAN mesh-based databases through ACT extensions and console window.
Acoustics Analysis — Prestressed Harmonic Acoustics Analysis
Mechanical now enables you to perform a Fluid Structure Interface (FSI) Harmonic analysis using a prestressed structure from a Static Acoustics Analysis. This simulation supports all acoustic boundary conditions and loads that are defined in the downstream system, except the Absorbing Element boundary condition and the Transfer Admittance Matrix and Low Reduced Frequency Model Acoustic Models. All results options are supported.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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Acoustics Analysis — FSI Cyclic Symmetry
As illustrated by the example result below, Mechanical now supports Cyclic Symmetry and Premeshed Cyclic Symmetry regions for all acoustics-based analysis systems: Harmonic, Prestressed Harmonic, Modal, Prestressed Modal, and Static.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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Acoustics Analysis — Low Reduced Frequency Model
Harmonic Acoustics and Structural Acoustics analyses support a new Acoustic Model: Low Reduced Frequency. With this model, for specific structures you can account for the interaction between an acoustic pressure wave in a viscous fluid and a rigid wall, according to a Low Reduced Frequency (LRF) approximation.
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The New Analysis drop-down menu on the Standard Toolbar includes all the available Mechanical analysis types. When you add a new system through this menu, the Project Schematic automatically updates.
Mechanical now enables you to link and unlink analysis systems, such as Thermal-Stress or Prestressed Modal, from within the application without having to return to the Project Schematic. This new capability automatically creates or deletes the links between the corresponding systems in the Workbench Project Schematic. This feature supports all linked analyses.
Most ANSYS Workbench preferences are now automatically migrated when you install a new version of the application. This includes licensing settings, Options panel settings, solver preferences, and Engineering Data settings.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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A new category and property has been added for the Model cell when selected in the Workbench Project Schematic. The new property, License, enables you to specify the license that will be used by a new instance of the Mechanical application for your model.
For thermal analyses, Mechanical now provides the context menu option Create Temperature Results on the Tabular Data of the Solution folder and it enables you to automatically create multiple temperature results based on the selected rows of the Tabular Data window.
You can now delete environments from within the Mechanical application if your Model includes more than one environment. This action also removes the corresponding system from the Workbench Project Schematic.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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Mechanical now has the file menu options Save Project As and Archive Project.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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The new Construction Geometry option, STL, enables you to import and view an STL file in your simulation. In addition, you can export your existing model as an STL file and then import it, as shown in the following example.
Once imported, you can mesh the imported STL model (as well as your original model).
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documentation for this item by clicking
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You can now scope:
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Invert Visibility is a new context (right-click) menu option that enables you to display all bodies that have been hidden and inversely hide all of the current visible bodies.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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A new Export category is available in the preferences dialog. The Views category provides the property File Directory. This property enables you to specify a default location to where you will export and/or import the graphical views that you have created, exported, or imported.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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At 19.2, bearings support the Large Deflection property being set to On during Static and Transient Structural analyses.
Mechanical now provides a Volume result type as well as a Volume probe. This result and probe option supports body and element scoping and computes the total volume of the elements gathered through the scope.
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documentation for this item by clicking
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Major Efforts | Physics Enhancements | Ease of Use Enhancements |
Line bodies may now be defined as links. Links have only X, Y & Z degrees of freedom (DOFs) and are often used in truss like structures.
Link element definition
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Line bodies defined as pipes can have internal contact to enable internal pipe contact.
![]() Contact setting for internal pipe contact |
![]() Beam element within a pipe element |
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![]() Prestressed Modal Acoustic analysis |
The new Static Acoustics analysis system on the project schematic page allows structural loads to be applied to models before acoustic simulations are carried out. ![]() Prestressed modal acoustic model |
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Microphone Results now enable you to specify as many as nine microphone locations using the new Worksheet Definition Method option.
![]() Far field microphone locations |
![]() Far field microphone definition and response |
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This is a new result type for Harmonic Acoustics analyses. It is used in combination with the Diffuse Sound Field excitation condition. It enables you to predict the transmission loss of the structural panel specified by the excitation. ![]() Diffuse sound result item |
![]() |
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The Smart Crack Growth object has a new property: Stop At Max Crack Extension. Using this property, you can specify the maximum distance for crack propagation. Once the maximum crack extension limit is reached, the application stops the solution process. In this instance, the solution is incomplete and the Solution folder will not be in solved state because the solution is not complete for all time points. If the maximum crack extension limit is not reached during solution, then the solution process completes normally. |
![]() SMART fracture simulation - stop criteria definition |
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The Fatigue Tool now supports temperature dependent S-N Curves.
Note that the Engineering Data workspace material properties Alternating Stress Mean Stress and Alternating Stress R-Ratio are no longer available properties in the Life category. These have been replaced by the property S-N Curve, along with the new Mean Stress and R-Ratio Field Variables as well as Temperature.
Temperature dependent S-N curve data
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The External Model system now enables you to import link elements and pressure loads into Mechanical from Mechanical APDL CDB, ABAQUS Input, and Nastran Bulk Data files.
Imported surface loads
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documentation for these items by clicking
here for pressure and
here for link elements
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The Solution Information object provides Result Plot Tracker options that enable you to view result contours in real time as the solution progresses. Furthermore, you can add Result Plot Trackers at any point during the solution process.
In the previous release, this feature was only available for Topology Optimization analyses. Now, this feature has been expanded to include Static Structural, Transient Structural, Steady-State Thermal, Transient Thermal, and Explicit Dynamics analyses. New result options include Deformation, Stress, Strain, and Temperature.
Result tracker update option
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The Manufacturing Constraint condition now provides a Scope category of properties in the Details view for the Pull Out Direction, Cyclic, and Symmetry options of the Subtypes property. The scoping options enable you to scope these constraints to bodies and mesh elements, either geometry-based or Named Selections.
The Response Constraint condition now provides a Scope category of properties in the Details view. This category enables you to scope the Local von-Mises Stress Constraint to edges, faces, bodies, and mesh elements. In addition, you can scope the Displacement and Reaction Force constraints to vertices, edges, faces, bodies, and mesh nodes. For element and node scoping, you can specify one or more elements or nodes.
![]() Multiple manufacturing constraints ![]() Named selection based constraints |
![]() |
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Result histories are now available for the Topology Density and Topology Elemental Density results. This means they can now be evaluated for specific iterations or animated over the solution.
The Iteration property enables you to specify an iteration number.
Animation of Topology Density iteration history
Want to learn more? If you are on Windows, go to the
documentation for these items by clicking
here for Topology Density and
here for Topology Elemental Density
(Requires internet access and will open in a new browser window. Not for Linux platforms.)
ANSYS Additive Suite, an add-on product to Mechanical Enterprise level products, is now available to allow simulation of additive manufacturing processes. Transient thermal and a linked structural analysis are used with new AM Process tools built into Mechanical. Auto generated supports can be generated (if required). The process simulation allows simulation of thermal history, structural layer by layer simulation as well as build plate and support removal steps. A wizard is also available to guide users through the process of setting up an analysis. ![]() Half built AM part showing results as layers are added |
![]() AM process settings |
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Over 100 new materials from Granta have been included in 19.1.
A range of metals, plastics, woods and other materials have been added in the new "Granta Design Sample Materials" library.
You may also download additional nonlinear materials by visiting the link to Granta's website next to the material definitions in Engineering Data.
Materials from Granta
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![]() Materials folder with properties shown in details view |
Mechanical now provides a Materials object. This object contains all of the materials (in object form) available for your analysis. It is also used to insert and specify the following features:
The new Material Assignment object enables you to assign materials to bodies and while doing so, share the same material ID across bodies in the solver input file. |
Consistent material ID's help with result averaging across multi-body parts
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The external model and model assembly import capability now supports mesh mirroring. Mirror plane location and the mirror plane can be specified.
![]() Mesh import mirroring option |
![]() Imported mirrored mesh |
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The Solution Output property of the Solution Information object has a new option: Solution Statistics.
This option presents a quick summary of the solution process in the Worksheet. The summary includes solution and HPC metrics as well as recommendations to improve the solution time and performance.
![]() Solution Statistics option in Solution Information panel |
![]() Sample Solution Statistics |
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![]() Animation export formats |
Animations can now be exported in multiple file formats. AVI, MP4 and WMV video file types can be created offering more flexibility. |
Archived projects can now be imported into existing projects meaning projects can be combined.
Project import dialog
Major Efforts | Ease of Use Enhancements |
Physics Enhancements | Advanced |
SMART (Separating, Morphing, Adaptive and Remeshing technology) is now natively available inside Mechanical.
Supports Mode I dominant crack propagation for static crack propagation based on failure criteria of Stress intensity factor or J-Integral.
Crack propagation based on Paris law defined in Engineering Data. Supports crack propagation of internally generated crack meshes, which includes Semi-elliptical and Arbitrary cracks as well as premeshed cracks.
SMART fracture simulation - exaggerated deformation (tet mesh on solid model)
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![]() Transfer Admittance Matrix |
New transfer admittance matrix functionality boundary condition avoids need to mesh complex structures. Matrix can be parameterized and use either "Square Grid Structure" or "Hexagonal Grid Structure"
Applications in exhaust/muffler applications and anywhere mesh/grills are used. |
New controls to control radial axis bounds visibility controls for Far Field Polar plot. This helps to add clarity to plots covering larger ranges.
Full range vs. cropped to 30dB
Far field microphones allow you to plot acoustic quantities (pressure, SPL, SPLA, phase) function of the frequency at defined location outside the model mesh.
Micophone and SPL level outside of meshed domain
Want to learn more? If you are on Windows, go to the
documentation for these items by clicking
here for Transfer Admittance Matrix and
here for Far Field Microphones
(Requires internet access and will open in a new browser window. Not for Linux platforms.)
Minimizing deformation. Top: Vertical load with side constraints - Bottom: Vertical load with thermal load
Inertial loads now supported for optimization of load cases such as self weight. The following load types are supported:
![]() Self weight topology optimization |
When a topology analysis has been carried out on a linked analysis, such as a prestressed modal, creating validation system now creates linked validation systems.
Transfer to Design Validation System creates linked systems
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Small sliding (now default for small deflection models) contact formulation results in more robust, faster and efficent solutions.
![]() Details pane small sliding setting |
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NLAD (Non Linear ADaptivity) is now enabled for high order meshes. More analysis types can make use of this technique for models with larger deformations.
NLAD helps with models with extreme deformations
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External Model is now able to import a much greater set of models and boundary conditions from legacy ANSYS, Abaqus and Nastran.
Items supported include
![]() Imported loads and boudary conditions |
Nodal boundary conditions condtions can be imported from
![]() Import summary of translated objects |
Want to learn more? If you are on Windows, go to the
documentation for these items by clicking
here for Imported Load and Boundary Conditions and
here for a Summary of Translated Objects
(Requires internet access and will open in a new browser window. Not for Linux platforms.)
Fluent to Mechanical load transfer
A new Mechanical based mapping option is now available which vastly increases performance. In addition, duplication and copying of files between systems is eliminated.
Mechanical-Based Mappping option
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New ability to transfer EM forces from Maxwell to a frequency domain Harmonic Analysis. Maxwell Transient to Harmonic in addition to Maxwell Eddy Current to Harmonic.
Transient Maxwell data transferred to Harmonic analysis
Mechanical Pro, Mechanical Premium and Mechanical Enterprise (including multiphysics bundles) have access to upto 4 cores without the need for additional HPC licenses. To take advantage:
![]() Setting output options |
![]() Setting output options |
![]() Average result value |
Two new result object properties are available: Average and Total. An Average value is provided for results when Minimum and Maximum values are listed. If the units of the result include Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Force, Moment, Energy, or Heat Rate, then the application provides the Total result value instead of the Average. These are parameterized quantities so can be used for driving optimization studies. |
The�Clipboard�toolbar is a selection feature that assists you to make, store and build up geometry or mesh selections.
Using the options of the�Clipboard�menu, you can create, change, add to, and overwrite your clipboard selections in order to temporarily save selection entities.
Adding 3 selected bodies to clipboard
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documentation for this item by clicking
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New Material Plot feature under the geometry branch. Users can plot most material properties in the graphics window.
![]() Compressive Yield Strength plot |
![]() Spatially varying density plot |
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documentation for this item by clicking
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New right click option to create local mimumin and maximum values for result plots. The example below is showing local maximum von-Mises stress values.
Local maximum von-Mises values
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![]() New objects for element and contact birth and death |
New controls for contact and element based birth and death now available in Mechanical. ![]() Tabular view of status Element and contact status can be controlled in a step-wise basis. Element status is now also reflected in post processing. ![]() Contact activation and element deactivation |
Want to learn more? If you are on Windows, go to the
documentation for this item by clicking
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RST (result) file writing speed can be increased by only outputting displacement values. This results in faster solve times and smaller result files. Result items such as stress and strain can then be evaluated on demand from the stored displacement values. Note: This applies to linear static analysis only. ![]() Setting for on-demand Stress/Strain |
![]() Setting output options |
Want to learn more? If you are on Windows, go to the
documentation for these items by clicking
here for Setting on-demand Stress/Strain and
here for Setting output options
(Requires internet access and will open in a new browser window. Not for Linux platforms.)
A new result Scoping Method is available: Result File Item. In the previous release of Mechanical, this option was named Solver Component. You can scope results on solution generated Material IDs, Element Name IDs, and Element Type IDs, now you can also scope results to solver components. |
![]() Result file scoping options |
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